This picture by Star-Telegram photographer Joyce Marshall is of a fully-glutinous, lattice-crust pie, but I now have a plan thanks to local chef and founder of the Culinary School of Fort Woth Judie Byrd for a Gluten-Free version. I hope to try this out on a linzer torte that I plan to bake for Valentine's Day, but I thought I'd pass the tip on ahead of time for the rest of you guys.
- Lay strips of dough across the top of the pie like in a traditional lattice crust.
- Lay strips of dough going the opposite way on top of the first strips instead of trying to weave them.
- Lay another layer of strips in the same direction of the first layer. This creates an optical illusion that the strips have been woven.
Alternatively, you could try a lattice-crust cutter but I'm not sure how successful that would be with GF dough.
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